Master of Athletic Training FAQs

What is an Athletic Trainer?

Athletic Trainers (ATs) are highly qualified, 提供服务或治疗的多技能保健专业人员, 在医生的指导下或与医生合作, in accordance with their education, training and the state's statutes, rules and regulations.  As a part of the health care team, services provided by Athletic Trainers include primary care, injury and illness prevention, wellness promotion and education, emergent care, examination and clinical diagnosis, 对受伤和医疗状况的治疗干预和康复.

Where are Athletic Trainers employed?

  • 公立和私立中学、大专院校、专业和奥林匹克运动
  • 青年团、市级和独立拥有的青少年体育设施
  • Physician practice, similar to nurses, physician assistants, 物理治疗师和其他专业临床人员
  • 农村和城市医院,医院急诊室,紧急和流动护理中心
  • Clinics with specialties in sports medicine, cardiac rehab, medical fitness, wellness and physical therapy
  • Occupational health departments in commercial settings, which include manufacturing, distribution and offices to assist with ergonomics
  • 警察、消防部门、院校、市政部门、军队各部门
  • 表演艺术包括专业和大学水平的舞蹈和音乐

What kind of salary can I expect as an Athletic Trainer?

根据2018年全国运动教练协会薪资调查, 拥有硕士学位的运动教练的平均年收入为51美元,000, with 25% of ATs making $65,000 or more. Salaries can vary by employment setting, years of experience, job responsibilities, highest academic degree held and other factors.

Who is Heidelberg’s MAT Program for?

对于已经获得不同学科的学士学位并希望获得运动训练职业证书的学生, Heidelberg offers a two-year, accredited, 专业硕士学位课程,为课堂和实验室注入多样化的知识和更广泛的背景和经验. 它使澳门银河网站的毕业生在就业市场上更加多才多艺, 它丰富了运动训练专业的整体广度.

澳门银河网站还为澳门银河网站攻读健康科学或运动科学学士学位的本科生提供加速课程. In this 3+2 program, 学生可以在短短三年内完成健康科学或运动科学专业的学士学位,并在两年内获得MAT学位. 学生也可以选择花四年时间获得学士学位.

What does the curriculum look like?

目前课程共49学时. 在第一年和第二年的课程开始时,这些学分将在缩短的7月/ 8月的大约5周内完成. 大部分课程在每年的秋季和春季学期完成. 课程通常在7月的最后一周开始,大约在5月的第一周结束. 这使得学生们有机会在暑假期间找到一份工作.

View the curricular map.

Where and when do classes take place?

Classes are held from late July to early May. 所有的课程都在俄亥俄州蒂芬市的校园里进行,主要是在 Saurwein Health and Wellness Center.

What is the cost of tuition and fees for the MAT Program?

See current tuition prices for the MAT Program at Heidelberg. 你会发现澳门银河网站的学费与其他地区院校相比是很有竞争力的.


Yes, we do! 进入澳门银河网站攻读MAT课程的学生将获得以下奖励:

  • 澳门银河网站将退还申请ATCAS的费用(大约1美元). $80)
  • 澳门银河网站将报销学生参观校园的费用(最多100美元的里程、住宿等费用).)
  • We will cover the cost of one BOC Exam (approx. $400)
  • 澳门银河网站将为二年级学生支付NATA学生会员的费用(大约为1美元). $100)



Required Prerequisite Coursework
Needs a C or better

  • Anatomy
  • Physiology
  • Medical Terminology
  • Introductory Psychology 
  • Kinesiology/Biomechanics
  • General Chemistry
  • Physics
  • Statistics

Recommended Prerequisites

  • Nutrition
  • Exercise Physiology                          
  • 1st Aid/AED/CPR/EMT certifications

Additional Requirements

  • 获得认可机构颁发的学院/大学学士学位,累计GPA不低于3分.0 and prerequisite GPA of 3.0.
  • 在认证委员会(BOC)的直接监督下至少有50个临床观察小时,并获得国家证书, certified athletic trainer.
  • In-person or Zoom interview with MAT Faculty


如果您对上述任何先决条件有任何疑问,请联系博士. Ryan Musgrave at rmusgrav [at]

What is the timeline to apply?

9月9日以后的任何时间接受入学申请. 15 of the cohort year for which you are applying. 访问运动训练招生的完整信息和链接到在线应用程序的主人. Priority will be given to those who apply before Feb. 1 each year. 

澳门银河网站是运动训练集中应用系统™(ATCAS)的参与成员。. ATCAS允许申请人一次性上传所有申请信息, 然后,这些信息将与申请人申请的项目共享.
一旦你被完全录取,将需要支付250美元的注册费来保留你在该计划中的位置. 这笔注册费将应用到您的学生账户中,用于支付课程第一年的教科书费用. 

Is there a fee to apply?

当使用运动训练集中申请系统™申请, there is an initial fee plus a per-application fee. 如果您直接通过澳门银河网站招生网页申请,则无需付费.

Do I need to take the GRE for admission to the program?

No. 澳门银河网站不要求学生参加GRE考试来考虑进入MAT课程.

Can the MAT program be completed online?

由于要求临床教育的组成部分,学生必须在当地居住两年. 课程是课堂、实验室和非现场临床经验的结合.

Can I visit the campus?

Register for a visit here.


There are opportunities for graduate housing at Heidelberg. Please contact Dr. Ryan Musgrave at rmusgrav [at] for more details.

Are graduate assistantships available?


Are there internships or jobs available?

This is a full-time program, and in the best interests of the students, outside employment during the program is not recommended.


Ryan Musgrave EdD ATC
Assistant Professor of Athletic Training
Chair, Athletic Training Department
Athletic Training Program Director
rmusgrav [at]
t: 419-448-2577 c: 419-306-4216